Up in the Air, Depending on Prayer

Herein the author begins by first introducing himself; then describing the adventures encountered after writing a book for his children recounting his Vietnam exploits to the decision to make the whole thing available to the general public as an eBook. Future ramblings will hover (pun intended) around his experiences as a helicopter pilot, while extending out to whatever suits his fancy as time goes by.

Location: Abilene, Kansas, United States

Saturday, November 3, 2007

O Happy Day

Here I am, continuing my saga of how www.vietnam-air-rescues.com came about.

Not too long after that, Kaye heard about a guy in Hawaii who was showing people how to print their own hard and paperback books. I contacted him, built my own press from his specifications (with a change or two of my own) and decided to see how it worked by redoing my Vietnam book.

Again, the changes were minimal. I did add some anecdotes that I had regretted leaving out of the first edition and produced six, large-size, paperback copies of the Vietnam book—sending one to each son (who seemed nonplussed at receiving yet another copy of a book they already had) and keeping two for myself--one for me and one as a loaner.

Time passed. George did an excellent job on his book, secured a publisher, who released his book in 2004, and sold a lot of copies.

Around the end of 2005 or the start of 2006, I received another email, this time from Kenny Fields, who, noting the success of Marrett’s book, decided to write a book of his own that would cover in detail and from every angle, his rescue. I gladly authorized Kenny to use my notes I had written in counterpoint to his and supplied him with several pictures. (by the by, Kenny, if you are reading this, I never got the pics back).

Kenny’s book came out this year (2007) and was an immediate hit. I was ecstatic for him. Both he and George are such an unassuming and humble people, they deserve any success that comes their way. Kaye and I went to Kirtland AFB in New Mexico in May, 2007 to help him introduce/promote his book. There I met his wife for the first time, who gave me a big hug and said, “Thanks for saving my husband.” A touching moment for all.

Kenny allowed me to go to a book signing with him, and I was surprised when people began asking me to sign the book also.

Then began an upsurge of requests from friends and outright strangers who heard about and wanted a copy of my book in spite of my telling them it was printed just for my sons. Wearying of making CD’s, I began to toy with the idea of putting it on the internet in eBook form. In fact, I told one requestor that, in about two weeks, the book would be available on the net.

Little did I realize what I was getting myself into. While possessing a comfortable familiarity with computers, I had zero experience with web pages, other than to assist my local church with a cookie-cutter variety. Fortunately, both David and Mark have a vast experience in websites. Although living many miles away (California for David and Italy for Mark), both promised help and advice.

BREAKING NEWS…I am nearly up to real-time in these musings and now break into these rambles with an announcement of momentous importance (at least to me)---I have sold my first book! Hallelujah, what a joy to finally see the fruits of my labors!

More good news—Kenny Fields, the guy I rescued on my last mission, sent me a forward of a press release he sent to the Abilene paper, suggesting they contact me and do an article for Veterans’ Day. What a guy! He is so thoughtful. If that does happen, I might get some local interest in the book.



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