Up in the Air, Depending on Prayer

Herein the author begins by first introducing himself; then describing the adventures encountered after writing a book for his children recounting his Vietnam exploits to the decision to make the whole thing available to the general public as an eBook. Future ramblings will hover (pun intended) around his experiences as a helicopter pilot, while extending out to whatever suits his fancy as time goes by.

Location: Abilene, Kansas, United States

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Reality Check

The problem with the photos not loading seems to have solved itself. Now all will load; just takes a long time for all of them to appear. I have eliminated the film links and junked the destination pages for them until I can figure out how to get them up.

Lots of very good ideas coming from the boys about how to visually improve the site. Will incorporate most of them; just means I will have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to do it.

Mark, for instance, pointed out that some pages do not have ‘Return to Main Page’ buttons. He thinks that is important. Probably right.

Also, have to figure out how to get ‘tags’ since I am doing this ‘off the cuff’ so to speak.

Egads! Was checking around to be sure all had the ‘Return’ button and discovered that the ‘No’ hyperlink on the ‘Tell a Friend’ page doesn’t work! Which means someone could not order the book unless they were willing to go through the ‘tell a friend’ system. I fixed it.

Also inserted the ‘Return to Main Page’ buttons where missing.

Both sales and visits are tapering off. All who have read the book say they like it, but no new people are buying or recommending it. As mentioned previously, I had hoped the ‘Tell a Friend’ concept would help attract new visitors.

Unfortunately, this is not working out. Very few of the people I gave free unlock codes to reciprocated by recommending the site and none of the folks who actually bought the book have recommended anyone.

What all this translates to is that I have to find some new way to get the site into the public eye (without spending any more money).

Another possibility is that this is as good as it gets—there aren’t any more people who will buy the book. Time will tell.

As you, the reader, can tell, I have now caught up to real time. That means future posts will discuss current current topics, rather than commenting on past issues.

I know that I have inadvertently left out some of the details that might have been interesting due to writing about them after the fact. From now on, I will be current with news about the site, book sales progress, etc.

Also, who knows?, perhaps some tidbits from the past not directly related to the book.



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