Up in the Air, Depending on Prayer

Herein the author begins by first introducing himself; then describing the adventures encountered after writing a book for his children recounting his Vietnam exploits to the decision to make the whole thing available to the general public as an eBook. Future ramblings will hover (pun intended) around his experiences as a helicopter pilot, while extending out to whatever suits his fancy as time goes by.

Location: Abilene, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Ouch! Last published on Dec 18! Where, O where, have the days gone?

We had a terrific Christmas and New Years. Didn't go anywhere special, just stayed home and enjoyed life. Why, then, you may ask haven't I written in my Blog? That's a good question, one that I do not have an adequate answer for.

I did get a book order from a guy Kenny Fields recommended me to. That order was soon cancelled, though. Turns out the guy didn't realize what an eBook was and wanted only a hard copy.

I have responded to this (2nd) mixup, by placing a statement on the Order Page describing what an eBook is and isn't.

I am on the verge of starting all over and doing the site using a commercial web design tool. If you have read these ramblings from the start, you are aware that what is up at www.vietnam-air-rescues.com right now was cobbled together using Word.

There are some good and some bad repercussions about this. On the good side, I am comfortable in Word and have never used a commercial web design program. On the bad side, I have had some serious problems (some of which continue to this day) attempting to adapt Word documents as web pages.

The obvious answer is to bite the bullet and use a commercial program. Laziness and lack of a program have prevented this so far.

As you are aware, both David and Mark have been lobbying me to get started on this job. Mark favors Dreamweaver, and David feels that Net Objects Fusion would work for me.

I took a look at Dreamweaver and concluded that, although it is a great program, it would take me an exceptionally long time to get to the point where I could do anything with it.

Net Objects Fusion, on the other hand, looks easier to get started with, will do everything I want to do AND offers version 7 (10 is the current version) for free, with an update to version 8 for 15 bucks.

So, I am going with NOF, just have to refocus my attention away from other things and back on the website.

That I pledge to do. No more fooling around, I will knuckle down, learn the program, and restructure the website. Perhaps, it would do some good, as far as sales are concerned. Who knows?

Be sure to tune in again. Will Daring Dave really spend the time reformatting a moribund website? Or will he wimp out again? You will never know unless you come back to visit.
